Roswell 47 Eighth

Roswell 47 Eighth


Product descriptions

A) GROWN BY DECIBEL GARDENS B) BRED BY DECIBEL GARDENS C) LINEAGE: JEALOUSY (SHERBERT X GELATO 41) X C-NOTE (BLUE GELATO X GELATO 41) D) DESCRIPTION: THE BEAUTIFUL DARK HUES OF JEALOUSY MIXED WITH THE DISTINCT GELATO 41 TRACE. Jealousy was crossed with their C-Note to create this brilliant flower. The goal was to smash the very best of both genetics while creating something new.

About this product

Licenced Producer: DECIBEL GARDENS

Category: Flower

Flower Type: Indica

Package Info:Roswell 47 Eighth

Available Weights:3.5G

SubCategory: PRE PACK
